Birth Control Weight Gain: Fact vs. Fiction? Answering the Most Common Questions

Dr. Donna Sergi, Licensed Nutrition Response Practitioner • Feb 03, 2023

"The content below is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition."

You’re bloated. Your pants don’t fit quite like they did a few months ago and the only thing you can chalk it up to is the fact that you’ve recently — or semi-recently — started birth control.


After all, your mom told you for years that when you start birth control your body will change, but it just doesn’t feel right.

Could your birth control cause weight gain? And if not, what’s the deal? 

Understanding what’s going on in your body is so important. Understanding what happens in your body when you add contraceptives into the mix is equally as important. 

Read on to find answers to the age-old debate over birth control weight gain and what you can do to maintain your weight. 

does birth control make you gain weight

Table of Contents

Does Birth Control Cause Weight Gain?

While there is more research to be done, and some experts believe that weight gain is a side effect of certain types of birth control, there isn’t enough information that points to birth control directly causing weight gain. 

Weight gain while on birth control may occur because of the excess estrogen or progesterone in the pill, but it’s not common.

Decades ago, we’re talking about the 1960s, birth control was made very differently than it is today. The oral contraceptives contained much higher amounts of hormones — more than necessary to prevent pregnancy. 

Back then, a birth control pill contained nearly 150 micrograms of estrogen and 10,000 micrograms of progesterone. (Talk about a way to confuse your body) 

Modern oral contraceptives only contain 30-50 micrograms of estrogen and 1 mg of progesterone. 

That said, it’s important to note that there is no guarantee that any type of birth control will — or will not — cause weight gain. Several other factors influence weight gain while on birth control, but we’ll discuss those after we look at what the research says. 

What Research Says About Birth Control Weight Gain

Research about the link between birth control and weight gain continues to produce mixed results. 

Some studies suggest that certain types of hormonal birth control like the … 

… may be associated with weight gain. Other research has not been able to find substantial differences between those taking oral contraceptives vs. those taking a placebo. 

If My Birth Control Isn’t Causing Weight Gain, What Is?

It’s confusing, isn’t it?

Every time you search online, you get conflicting answers about what you’ve likely been told your entire life — that hormonal birth control makes you gain weight. 

But if that’s not the case, what’s the cause? 

Let’s look at three factors that may contribute to the weight gain you’re experiencing while taking birth control. 

3 Factors That May Contribute To Weight Gain While Taking Birth Control

#1: Increased Stress Levels

Although you may assume it’s your birth control causing the changes, consider any events that may have happened since starting birth control.

Did you experience a hard breakup? Lose a job? Did you recently move? 

Everyday stressors — or significant stressors — can add up and take a toll on your body.

Stress causes the body to create more cortisol, a hormone that is released in response to stress. 

One of the main functions of cortisol is to regulate your body’s metabolism. When your cortisol levels increase, your body’s metabolism may slow down, causing weight gain. 

But stress isn’t the only factor that contributes to higher-than-normal cortisol levels. If you’re … 

  • Taking certain medications
  • Dealing with specific medical conditions, or
  • Getting poor sleep at night

… your cortisol levels may be affected. 

If you’re concerned that your cortisol levels, your birth control, or a combination of both are contributing to your weight gain, be sure to talk with your healthcare provider to start the proper treatment plan.

#2: Appetite Changes

Let’s talk about how hormones can also influence your appetite.

Estrogen supplementation has been found to increase ghrelin (the “I’m hungry” hormone) levels. Estrogen also makes your body more sensitive to the release of ghrelin, meaning you may feel hungrier when on hormonal birth control. 

Additionally, cortisol — which seems to be a common culprit associated with weight gain — can cause lower insulin levels, causing your blood sugar levels to drop and increasing your level of hunger and your cravings for sweet tastes. 

#3: Fluid Retention

Contraceptives are a common culprit of weight gain, but not for the reasons you might think. It may actually be due to fluid retention.

Estrogen, specifically, has been found to cause the kidneys to retain water, resulting in water weight and bloating. 

The plus side? This “weight gain” is generally short-lived and goes away in time. 

can birth control make you gain weight

Is It Harder To Lose Weight on Birth Control?

Hormonal fluctuations may influence your ability to lose weight. So, whether you’re on hormonal birth control or just getting off it, you may struggle to lose weight. 

Some of the main culprits? Two of them could be: 

  • Thyroid hormones — High thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), Free T3 (triiodothyronine) levels, or low Free T4 (thyroxine) levels may contribute to weight gain. 
  • Estrogen — Excess estrogen levels may be the reason more women see “extra” weight in their hips and things. Oral contraceptives stop women from ovulating. When this happens, the body may not produce as much progesterone, and estrogen dominance may occur if you’re on estrogen birth control. 

As this happens, you may find it harder to lose weight while on birth control. 

If you find yourself struggling to lose weight while on hormonal birth control, you could be dealing with a hormonal imbalance. At HealthierU, Dr. Sergi can help determine if your hormones are playing a role in your weight gain.

Through a
Nutrition Response Testing assessment, Dr. Sergi can:

  • Determine the cause of your hormonal imbalance
  • Evaluate how your body is functioning as a response to a hormonal imbalance

Nutrition Response Testing detects your body’s needs and allows us to develop a plan to help you achieve hormonal balance. 

Contact Dr. Sergi’s office for more information on how Nutrition Response Testing works and how it can help you lose weight on birth control. 

is birth control causing weight gain

5 Ways To Manage Weight Gain While on Birth Control

If you’re dealing with stubborn weight while on birth control, there are several things you can do to prevent and potentially manage it. 

To decide the best route to take, you’ll need to determine what’s causing your weight gain, whether it’s due to a hormone imbalance, lifestyle changes, or something else. 

Some of the best things you can do for yourself when dealing with potential hormonal or “birth control” weight gain involve the following:

#1: Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise doesn’t have to mean lifting 100lb weights daily or spending excessive amounts of time on the treadmill.


Thirty minutes of exercise a day can make a big difference in how you feel and how your body manages weight. According to one study, 30 minutes of moderate activity is enough to help you lose weight

Consider things like … 

  • Swimming
  • Yoga 
  • Running
  • Cycling
  • Dancing
  • Martial arts

… to help strengthen your muscles, build a sweat, and manage weight gained while on birth control. 

birth control weight gain

#2: Stay Hydrated

Since birth control may be causing your body to retain water, it’s even more important that you drink plenty of fluids. 

This can help flush the excess water from your system by getting rid of excess sodium, preventing more water retention from occurring.

#3: Change Your Diet

Because of the hormonal shifts and the enhanced chance of weight gain, it’s important to maintain a healthy diet to maintain a healthy weight. 

You may prevent weight gain on birth control by making the following dietary changes: 

  • Choose foods low in sugar and fat 
  • Choose 1% or nonfat milk instead of whole milk
  • Make baked or grilled foods instead of fried foods
  • Consume whole grain bread, pasta, and rice
  • Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet

#4: Manage Stress

If excess cortisol is to blame for your weight gain while on birth control, you must manage the stress — for your weight, and your well-being.

Some of the best ways to combat stress involve: 

  • Meditating regularly
  • Setting boundaries 
  • Getting enough sleep at night
  • Practicing deep breathing
  • Managing your time spent on social media
  • Moving your body
  • Making time for the hobbies and people you enjoy

#5: Talk With Your Healthcare Provider

If you're concerned that your birth control is causing weight gain, or the inability to manage your weight, make sure you’re talking with your healthcare provider. 

They can assist you in deciding what your next steps should be, whether that means you … 

  • Switch the type of birth control you’re on
  • Find ways to manage your stress levels
  • Check for hormonal imbalances throughout your body 
  • Opt to stop birth control 

… to ensure you’re maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle. 

Is Your Birth Control Causing Weight Gain or Is it Something Else? HealthierU Is Here To Help You Understand Your Unique Body

If you’re struggling with weight gain after starting birth control, it can be immensely frustrating and, sometimes, downright discouraging. 

You’re determined to get your body back, but you don’t know where to start — especially since you don’t know if it’s your birth control, or something else causing the issue. 

You don’t have to struggle silently. 

Dr. Sergi, at HealthierU, can help you determine the cause of your weight gain through Nutrition Response Testing. Once we’ve determined the cause, we can work together to create a plan to manage and overcome the weight gain you’ve been dealing with. 

We’re ready to help you become a healthier you by figuring out just what your body needs.  Contact us today for more information. 

is birth control causing weight gain

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